One thing that always causes a great deal of interest amongst interiors aficionados is watching the yearly design trends come and go. Whether it’s watching the media storm surrounding the latest Pantone colours of the year, or even seeing the rise and fall of surprising trends like supersize furniture, there’s nothing like design to unite or divide style gurus!
And 2016 is certainly no different as there’s no area of the home that’s safe from these transient taste trends. So whether it’s headboards or tiling, here are the design trends to be aware of as we approach the middle of 2016.
The ever-reliable Sfgirlbythebay blog is a great place to quickly catch up on the latest tastes. And it seems that tiles are back in a big way. What’s interesting about the current range is the way that they’ve managed to reintroduce the colour green for our bathrooms in a way that’s a world away from those horrendous avocado colour schemes of yesteryear.
But the great thing about the tile trend is that that they can be used in a variety of different colours in locations throughout the house, and the geometric tile trend is one that can add a classy touch to just about any interior space.
Those ultra-fashionable Scandinavians are a big part as to why geometric shapes continue to be one of the touchstones for the stylish home. With iconic design stores like Svenskt Tenn proving that modern design can be feminine yet long-lasting, it shows just how creative we can be in our interiors.
Wood is another big part of the Scandinavian look as it adds a softer and natural touch to the more modernist tendencies of the 21st century home.
But you don’t have to travel to Stockholm to get in on the wooden chic, because even if your bed headboard is showing signs of wear you can get a sturdier one from the likes of Bedstar who also feature sleek metal designs and for those who prefer embracing the mid-century modern trend.
And as summer is just about here, then why not make the most of the great outdoors by inviting it into your home in a way that’s been beautifully documented at the Chapter Friday style blog. And what makes the minty tropical trend all the more wonderful is the way that it uses natural colours and motifs in a way that’s totally fresh and original for 2016!
Petra Bindel | Københavens Møbelsnedker photographed by Line Klein | Sharyn Cairns
I would love to know the brand of the grey sofa on you May 27, 2016 post, I want it!!