The time is fast approaching when we get to sit down and feast on our Christmas dinner and spend time with our families. I really do love this time of year, although it can be a little hectic as I cook dinner for our family, all fourteen of us! I am a food lover and even though I enjoy cooking the traditional Christmas dishes, which you will find on most tables during this time of year, I really go for pushing my cooking boundaries to attempt to create something that will both challenge me and also taste like Christmas. You might remember earlier on this year I teamed up with Lurpak to show some free style food recipes, well this Christmas I have partnered up again to #takeonchristmas. What better way to create and show off our unique recipes?
I have already planned and ordered the turkey; the list has been written and ready to brave the supermarket. On the list you will find the usual’s but something a little different will be happening to the mash potatoes. I have reinvented the dish and added some of my favourites to really enhance the flavour of the potato. Most of us all love a mashed potato, with loads of butter to make them extra creamy and fluffy.
Perfect Mash potatoes flavoured with Cauliflowers, kale and melting Brie.
Serves 8
Time 1hr 20mins
These potatoes combine all my favourite flavours and are really easy to make and will really bring something extra special to your table and will go perfectly as a side to any dish.
- 1kg Potatoes
- 50g Lurpak butter
- 6 tablespoons of whole milk
- 4 sprigs of thyme
- 2 garlic cloves
- 1 teaspoon of rock salt
- 150g Kale
- 1 small Cauliflower
- 100g of Brie
Heat a large pan of water. Peel the potatoes and cut into even small chunks. Run under cold water to remove the surface starch. Add the potatoes and simmer for 20mins, adding garlic and salt. Then add your cauliflower and simmer for another 10mins. When the potatoes and cauliflowers are tender, drain and then add back to the pan, I like to place a dishtowel over the pot to let the potatoes absorb some of the steam and then add the milk and 50g of Lurpak butter. Using your potato masher, mash together until the potatoes become creamy and fluffy. Put to the side and this can later be heated up, when adding the rest of the ingredients.
Take out another pan, heat and add a tablespoon of Lurpak butter and add your kale and gently sauté for 5 mins. Add to the mashed potatoes along with the Brie, which will melt in the pan, adding some thyme and season to taste.
Pretty tasty and I cant wait for everyone to try it on Christmas day, when I serve dinner.
What about everyone else? Are you all sorted and know what you are cooking this Christmas. I really encourage you to #takeonchristmas with some new ideas and really push your boundaries and come up with a dish that is ambitious, after all its one day to really go all out and impress everyone with your own cooking. If you haven’t even started thinking about it or just need some ideas, it’s worth going over to Lurpak.com for more recipes and ideas.